April 6- Jordan’s Tourism Ministry spokesperson Ansam Malkawi said in a press conference yesterday that the country’s restaurants will soon be rated under a new classification system. Malkawi said a new classification system is being finalized now by a committee formed by the tourism ministry and the Jordan Restaurant Association (JRA), and will be released within the next few months. She said the system is designed based on international standards, and those who want to upgrade their classification will need to add more services.
JRA president said the current classification system is based on restaurant size, interior décor, initial investment, and other factors, but not food quality and service. Zaid Gousous said the new classification system will rate the restaurant’s cuisine and service as well as ambience, cleanliness, and sustainability of service. Malkawi said six hotels have already been classified under the new service based on the new classification system. “The system is not mandatory now, but it will be by the beginning of 2011” she said”