GTTAC, the Gulf Travel & Tourism Associations Committee held a Board meeting in Sharjah on 02 May, coinciding with the opening of the Arabian Travel Market [ATM]. As a result of applications to join GTTAC from new and emerging travel associations within the GCC and from the unanimously agreed requirement to strengthen the unified voice on behalf of travel agents, a revision to the previous structure was decided upon. The Board, chaired by the Representative from Bahrain, the current ABTTA Chairman, Sofyan Almoayed, will consist of a nominated Representative from each member Association. These Executive Board members will have voting rights and be assisted by Non-Executive Members, invited and appointed by the Executive Members. The Deputy Chairman of GTTAC is Mr. Ahmed Hussain from Qatar and the Secretary General, Mr. Leo Fewtrell of Dubai.
The current Member Associations belonging to GTTAC are:-
Abu Dhabi
Saudi Arabia
GTTAC’s primary objectives are to foster a better understanding between travel agencies and suppliers of product such as airlines, hotel & car hire companies and to develop a best working practice between these parties whilst protecting the long term business interests of its members.