Average Monthly Temperatures
January low temperature: -2 °C high temperature: 4 °C February low temperature: -1 °C high…
Fast Facts
Location: Geneva, capital city, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Dialing code: 00 41 22 X (e.g.…
Visa Information
People travelling to Switzerland must have a valid passport. Visa are required for a continuous…
Geneva Residents
Geneva is home to many nations – the Germans, French, Austrians, Italians, and Oriental/Asian. This…
Geneva History
Human civilization in Geneva dates back to around 3000 BC, at which time it was…
Geneva today
Diverse, fashionable, and stylish are the key words to describe Geneva. What started off as…
Public Holidays-2009
New Year’s Day—-January 1st Good Friday——– April 10 Easter Monday——April 13 Ascension———– May 21 Pentecost…
Exchange Rates
{loadposition currency} The currency used is the Swiss Franc. The banknotes used are the 10,…
When to go
The summer months are the best time to visit and experience Geneva. The primary reason…