The Mosque of Cordoba built in 784 CE is located in Andalucia, Spain. It was originally the site of a church which was bought by Emir Abd ar-Rehman I and subsequently converted into one of the largest mosques in the world. Cordoba while lead by Muslims became one of most advanced cities in its time, as well as a great cultural, political and economic centre. The Mosque of Cordoba featured as a great centre of learning.
The building is most notable for its giant arches, with over 1,000 columns of jasper, onyx, marble, and granite; the double arches, which were a new architectural feature and the rich and exquisite design patterns making it one of the most beautiful mosques to have existed.
In 1236, Cordoba was recaptured from the Muslims by King Ferdinand III and the mosque was deconsecrated as a Christian church, with the most significant alteration being the construction of a Renaissance cathedral nave in the middle of the structure.