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ImageIn Abu Dhabi, the road network is well sorted out and the instructions given on signposts are comprehensive and unambiguous. Generally speaking, driving in Abu Dhabi is on the right hand side of the road. Seat belts are obligatory for drivers and passengers on the front seats while it is optional for those on the rear seats. Children under 10 are advised to sit on the rear seats.
Driving on the pavement and talking on a handheld mobile phone is also an infringement. Desecration of the above tips will result in hefty fines. Drinking while driving would also result in a penalty counting jail sentences.
Visitors are advised not to leave an accident place, if they are involved in it. They would have to report to the police and wait for them to arrive at the spot and let them check their car registration card and international driving license so they can then investigate who is at fault in the accident. It is compulsory for cars to be insured in the UAE. If evidence reveals that you are at fault, you would have to disburse a nominal fixed charge for repairs. If evidence reveals you have consumed alcohol, the insurance on your car could not be claimed on any account.

Speed perimeters within municipal areas are typically 60-80 kph, and 100-120 kph on highways and main roads. Speed perimeters are visibly specified on signposts at main junctions. If you are caught violating the speed limits, then you are prone to heavy fines.


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