Abai’s Theater
Address: 110 Kabanbai Batyr Street, corner of Panfilov Street, Almaty
Phone: +7(727) 272 7934
+7(727) 2722042
Timings: shows are held several times during the week, depending on the season. Call in advance to find out the show timings, or visit to view the complete schedule on display
Tickets: depends on nature and duration of performance. Generally inexpensive
The National State Opera and Ballet Theater, named after the popular Kazakh poet and philosopher Abai/Abay Ibrahim Kunanbeyli.
Shows in Russian and Kazakh are frequently hosted at this majestic theater, and intellectuals gather around after every performance for discussing the strong and weak points of the show. The standard of the shows is none less than any international performance – if you get an opportunity to attend an opera or ballet here, do not miss it!