Zhibek Zholy Walking Area

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altAddress: runs parallel to Gogol Street. Or down Ablai Khan Road, all the way to Kunaev

If you want a taste of the culture and magic of old town Almaty, there is nothing like a good old-fashioned casual walk down any one of the most popular streets in town – the Ablai Khan Avenue, Gogol street, Kunaev or the Zenkov Street. Merging the four major administrative districts of Almaty, namely the Medeuski to the East, the Bostandyksri to the South, the Almalinski to the West, and the Zhetysuiski to the North, a walking tour through this network of streets will give you a brief overview of what Almaty is all about. From formal, intimidating Soviet buildings to pleasant parks and fountains, from street bazaars to boutique stores, these streets will take you right into the heart of what the daily life of Almaty residents revolves around.
A variety of eateries in the district will help you sit and get back your breath after every few hours. Street entertainers like musicians and painters will provide you with a taste of unique creativity. Be sure to check out the Almaty Fruit Market at the intersection of Zhibek Zholy and Zenkov.


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