And lastly, as a general guide, here is an average price list of items of daily use in the city:
Taxi fares one-way: 100 – 300 KZT
Inter-city bus fares: 15 – 40 KZT
Inter-city tram: 20 – 40 KZT
Ice-cream at local stand: 20 – 50 KZT
Milkshake/fresh fruit juice from street vendor: 80 – 120 KZT
Average light lunch: 200 – 500 KZT
Average heavy lunch: 600 – 1200 KZT
Small chocolate bar: 30 – 60 KZT
Bottled water 900 ml: 40 – 70 KZT
Music cassette: 100 – 200 KZT
Photocopies of documents: 20 – 50 KZT