Fast Facts
Amsterdam is located in the province of North Holland
Dialing code
Country Code: 31
Amsterdam Area Code: 020
Emergency numbers
Police: 112
Fire Brigade : 112
Ambulance Service: 112
Pharmacy : 694 8709
Doctor: 592 3434/0900 1515
Car Breakdown: 0800 0888
Amsterdam Information: 09 00 84 18 (Int )/ 09 00 80 08 (Local)
Police ( Non Emergency) : 0900 8844
Emergency Dentists Amsterdam: 0900 321 2230 / 0900 821 2230 / 020 686 1109
Public Transport Information: 0900 9292
Sea Rescue / Coast Guard: 0900 0111
Population: 735,000
Ethnic Mix
White (69%); Black (19%); Others (12%)
Dutch (national language), English (widely spoken), German, French, Frisian
Average Temperatures
Temperature in January: -1°C – 4°C (30°F – 39°F)
Temperature in July: 12°C – 22°C (54°F – 72°F)
Annual Rainfall: 668mm
Time zone
CET (UTC +1 hour)/GMT +1:00 (GMT +2:00 from last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October)