What to do with kids in tow?
Very few people travel with their children in Nepal as it has very limited activities for them to take part in, not to mention the high risk of disease. Nepalese cuisine might also be trying for children that are not used to spicy food and highchairs are almost nonexistent in the rural areas. Like most capital cities, Kathmandu has a zoo (Central Zoo, Jawalahel, Patan, 5528023, adult/child Rs 150/100) which lots of exotic animals. The best thing about it is that it’s one of the most reputable places that will let you ride an elephant (for only $1.50), you can even hire one for the hour at $15.15. Some hotels also have swimming pools that can be used for a small price; alternatively check out the public pools in Balaju and the National Stadium. There are also hot air balloon flights that are priced at US$250. If your child wants something more simple, head to Pilgrims Book House (Thamel, Kathmandu, 977-1-4700942, 8am to 10pm daily) which stocks kids books.
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