Health and Safety
As usual, when you’re travelling outside your home country you should always make sure that both your travel and medical insurances are up to date. If you are not the kind of person who goes for insurances then you should definitely keep the contacts (telephone/cell) numbers of your travel agent and your family/preferred doctor at all times. Additionally, you should always keep a basic first aid kit with you including any form of Ibuprofen, allergy medication and other necessary supplies in case of an emergency.
If there is one thing about Saudi cities, it’s that they are safe. Since they have capital punishments for crimes like stealing and killing, crime rate is extremely low. Moreover, in sacred cities like Makkah and Madinah, the morality level of the public is generally very high. So you can freely take your money anywhere while inside downtown Madinah.
Most of your time will be spent walking in and around the streets near the Masjid Al-Nabawi. These streets are surrounded by big hotels and generally don’t have much car traffic. However, the taxi and car drivers are rather restless and don’t like to stop too often. So keep that in mind if you have children with you. Moreover, you will hardly come across any signals and just to be safe always walk on the zebra crossings whilst crossing roads.
Contact your embassy in case you lose your passport or other travel documents.
In case of a major accident or emergency, always carry the following information with you:
Emergencies :
• Police: 04-823-0930; 04-822-9373
• Ambulance: 997
• Fire: