Driving Tips
Driving in Oslo is fairly straightforward, although it is generally preferable to use the public transportation system. While traffic in Oslo is common (especially during rush hours from 0700-0900 and 1500-1800), the city tends to be less congested than most European cities. Navigating Oslo can be difficult for the first-time traveler because of the city’s complicated system of one-way streets.
There are several general tips and Norway-specific laws that are essential knowledge for anyone planning to drive during their trip to Oslo. First, speeding is taken very seriously in the country, with even small transgressions over the legal limit resulting in “on the spot” fines that can reach up to 8000 NOK. There are also a number of unmarked grey speed cameras throughout the city, so make sure to stay under the limit at all times. Do NOT drink and drive. If a driver’s blood alcohol concentration exceeds .2%, you can be subject to fines or jail time for the transgression-even one small beer is enough to reach these levels, so be extremely careful.
In addition to these tips, Norway has a set of specific laws of which drivers should be aware. First, headlights are mandatory at all times, even during daylight (the purchase of spare bulbs is recommended). During the winter, winter tires are both necessary and required by law; do NOT attempt to drive without them. Norway also enforces something called the “give way” rule, which stipulates that all drivers must yield to traffic from the right hand side regardless of whether they are on a “major” or “minor” road. Also note that trams have the universal right of way and do not even yield for pedestrians.
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