Health and Safety
There are many pharmacies in Prague, identified as lékárna, and most city districts have one that stays open 24 hours. Among the most recognizable are the District Clinic (224 946 982; Palackého 5, 7am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon Sat; metro Národní třída) in Nové Město and Lékárna U sv Ludmily (222 513 396; Belgická 37, 7am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon Sat; metro Náměstí Míru) in Vinohrady. For emergency service after hours, push a red button marked with a sign zvonek lékárna (pharmacy bell) and/or první pomoc (first aid) to ring the bell to allow staff to let you in. Always bring enough prescription medicines for your trip as some may not be available.
Canadian Medical Care (235 360 133, after hrs 724 300 301; Veleslavínská 1, Veleslavín; 8am-6pm Mon-Fri; tram 20 or 26 from metro Dejvická) An expensive but certified private clinic with English-speaking doctors; initial consultations will cost from US$50 upwards.
Na Homolce Hospital (257 271 111; 5th fl, Foreign Pavilion, Roentgenova 2, Motol; bus 167 from metro Anděl) The most recognizable hospital in Prague, this establishment is equipped to Western standards, with staff who speak a variety of languages : English, French, German and Spanish.
As explained in the ‘Taxi’ transport section of this article, being ripped off by taxi drivers is the most direct threat to tourists. The crime rate is low in Prague but all the same; beware of pickpockets who work the crowds, especially at Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and astronomical clock. Also be aware of your belongings on the metro and tram lines and avoid the park outside the main train station late at night as shady people and drunks congregate there.
Recently there have been reports of ‘police’ who approach tourist asking to check their money for counterfeit notes; once the cash is in hand, they run off. Do not surrender your money, or for that matter your passport, to any ‘police officer’; ask to accompany them to the nearest police station, a genuine policeman shall do so.
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