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altIf you can help it, avoid catching taxis in Prague as the city is notorious for deceptive taxi drivers who over-charge tourists. If you do not speak Czech there is a good chance you could be ripped off by a taxi driver, especially within the city. Be aware that most dishonest drivers operate around transport areas such as the railway stations and the airport; some even operate near hotels. Hence, be always alert for anything suspicious; simply walk away if you suspect something and catch another taxi.
Speaking from experience, ALWAYS negotiate the price in advance, ask for the taxi meter to be turned on and for a receipt before you leave the cab. If you hail one down, always check for a recognizable company logo on the cab; it’s not a fail-safe solution but will offer some sort of satisfaction. If you suspect you’ve been ripped off, write down the car ID numbers (license plate, taxi license number on the car door, etc), the driver’s name, then contact the company (if there is one) or the police. The problem with this is that you are testifying against the driver which can prove difficult when you are a foreign tourist so be careful.
An alternative way is to ask your hotel to call a taxi service for you. Use the services of proven phone-order taxi services as there have been reports of robberies on street taxis. Also be alert for an infamous taxi company, AAA Taxi s.r.o. who deliberately created its name to resemble popular AAA Radiotaxi Praha. AAA Taxi s.r.o. deliberately charges up to four times the standard fare for a taxi ride and even refuses to provide services to Czech citizens, so beware.

Major Prague Taxi Services
Prague airport taxi & transfers, +420 777 885 92.
Taxi Praha, +420 222 111 000.
Profi Taxi, +420 844 700 800.
Halo Taxi, +420 244 114 411.
AAA Radiotaxi, +420 222 333 222.



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Quality of customer service and attitude to work with you
Value for Money
Overall experience received for the amount spent
Visibility, commute or nearby parking spots
The physical condition of the business


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