The Coliseum (Colosseum)
Undoubtedly the symbol of Rome, this magnificent ruin is indelibly linked to the past glory of the Roman Empire, and its subsequent decay and fall. It takes its name from the giant statue of the emperor Nero that once stood near this location.
The amphitheatre was a project started by the emperor Vespasian in 72 CE and completed during his son Titus’ reign, seven years later. Not only is it impressive to view first hand, but to think that it could also be emptied, when in use, in minutes from its 76 numbered exits is also pretty staggering. Originally capable of seating 50,000 spectators for animal fights and gladiatorial combats, this amphitheatre is probably better than the ability of equivalent modern-day arenas and stadiums.
Address: Piazzale del Colosseo / Via dei Fori Imperiali
Tel : 06 – 700 – 4261
Timings: Opens at 9:00 am
Closes – Varies throughout the year
Admission: Charged
Guided tours available