Health and Safety in Sharjah
Sharjah is the one emirate in the UAE that prohibits the sale, possession and/or consumption of alcohol. It is considered to be a safe city, generally speaking. Women travellers are usually stared at, especially in certain parts of the city; it is encouraged that females be accompanied by a male friend or family member. Please respect traditional values by wearing loose clothing, especially keeping shoulders and legs covered, and avoid wearing swimming suits on public beaches. Always keep an eye on your luggage and during peak seasons be aware of bag snatchers, especially on bicycles. Normal tourist photography is acceptable, but it is considered offensive to photograph Arab women. It is also courteous to ask permission before photographing men. Photographs of government buildings or military installations are not allowed.
Al Zahra Private Hospital
Al-Zahra Sq., Al Ghuair
Ph: 5619999 / 5613311