There are five taxi franchises that are supervised by the Sharjah Public Transport Corporation. These taxis operate in all parts of the Sharjah Emirate and it’s shopping centres, residentail areas and airport. Tariffs are varied depending on which region you are heading into and what hour of the day (or night) you are using the taxi. To take a taxi in Sharjah City from 6:00am to 10:59pm it is AED 3.00 whereas in the Central and Eastern Regions, to use a taxi from 7:00am to 9:59pm is AED 2.00. See for further details and current pricing.
Sharjah Taxi
Tel: +971-6-568 8444 / Fax: +971-6-569 0008 /
This franchise operates in Sharjah City and the Eastern region.
Emirates Taxi
Tel: +971-6-568 8444 / Fax: +971-6-569 0008 /
Operates in Sharjah City only.
City Taxi
Tel: +971-6-533 4444 / Fax: +971-6-533 3554 /
Sharjah City and Eastern region
Union Taxi
Tel: +971-6-532 5555 / Fax: +971-6-532 5252
Operates in Sharjah City only.
Advantage Taxi
Tel: +971-6-544 1938 / Fax: +971-6-538 9696
Sharjah City and Central Region.
Please keep these franchises in mind when looking for taxis as there may be private cars around – trying to entice you with their cheap fares. The Sharjah Public Transport Corporation does not endorse these private cars as they can be very dangerous for passengers, crimes such as robbery, murder, rape, fraud and kidnapping to name a few, are possible occurances.