Date: 10 Zilhaj (Lunar Calendar) A second Eid festival, commemorating the willing sacrifice of Ismai’l…
Date: 1 Shawwal (Lunar Calendar) The primary religious festival for Muslims around the world, marking…
Muharram (New Year)
A public holiday, marked with visits to relatives, solemn prayers, and resolutions for the New…
Independence Day
Date: 30 November The day that marks the expulsion of the last British regiment from…
National Day
Date: 14 October This day commemorates the revolution against British occupancy of the Southern territories.…
Revolution day
Date: 26 September A day of national significance, in remembrance of the revolt of South…
Sana’a Summer Festival
Date: all through June Quite a popular tourist summer fair, this event is all about…
National Unity Day
Date: 22 May A very significant day in the lives of all Yemenites, commemorating the…